วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Buy Accutire MS-4350B Programmable Digital Tire Gauge

Accutire's programmable digital tire gauge is an easy-to-use, multi-featured gauge with an extra large, blue, backlit LCD screen and ergonomic styling. It measures PSI from 5-99 pounds in 0.5-pound units, and includes the patent-protected Set Point programmable feature which allows for recording the factory-recommended tire pressure for both front and rear tires. Other helpful features include a white LED flashlight to make checking tire pressure at night or in the garage a cinch; an audible pressure signal; auto off; and a five-year manufacturer warranty.
  • Programmable to allow recording of factory-recommended tire pressure for both front and rear tires
  • Reads 5-99 PSI in 0.5 pound units
  • Extra large, blue, backlit LCD screen for easy viewing
  • Features ergonomic "easy grip" shape
  • Comes with five-year manufacturer warranty

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Buy ElmScan 5 Compact USB OBD-II Scan Tool & OBDWiz Engine Diagnostic Software (423001)

  • Works with all 1996+ model year cars and light trucks.
  • Supports all OBD protocols and systems, including CAN, OBD-II, EOBD and JOBD.
  • Easy to install and use. Installation CD contains drivers, diagnostic software, user documentation, and videos.
  • No need to buy separate software! OBDwiz diagnostic software ($30 value) is included in price. Read and clear trouble codes (database has over 7000 trouble codes), turn off Check Engine light, view Freeze Frame. Display, record, and graph 90+ real-time parameters. Calculate MPG (fuel mileage).
  • ElmScan 5 is covered by a 3-year manufacturer warranty, and a 90-day money back guarantee.
ElmScan 5 is the original best-selling ELM327-based scan tool, and is the perfect entry-level scan tool for the budget-minded do-it-yourself mechanic. ElmScan 5 Compact lets you turn your computer into a sophisticated diagnostic system. The scan tool is a breeze to install and configure, and provides a lot more information about your vehicle, than a handheld scan tool. It is fully OBD-II compliant and works with any Windows PC with a USB port. ElmScan 5 Compact includes all necessary hardware and software to diagnose your vehicle's problems.
The free, exclusive, feature-packed OBDwiz diagnostics software included with the scan tool allows you to:
* Turn off check engine light, and erase stored diagnostic information
* Read and erase stored, pending, and permanent trouble codes (both generic and manufacturer-specific, over 7000 codes in database)
* Built-in online lookup of probable causes and possible solutions
* Access freeze frame information
* Display, graph, and log 90+ real-time parameters
* Create custom digital dashboards
* Measure and display fuel economy
* And much more!
Recommended Third Party Software
* EasyObdII
* ProScan
* ScanTool.net Diagnostic Software
* ScanMaster
* ScanXL Standard & Pro (including GM, Ford, and Mazda add-ons)
* TouchScan
Package Contents
* ElmScan 5 Compact unit
* Quick Start Guide
* Installation CD (device drivers, user documentation, OBDwiz diagnostic software)
Buy with confidence. If you are not happy with our product or service, we do not want your money! This product comes with a 90 day money back guarantee, and a 3 year "repair or replace" warranty.